Lead Instructor: Brent Trask (Catching Coach at George Fox University)
1 Day Catching Camp
Saturday June 19th 9:30am-12:30 pm
Age group: 7th-12th Grade
Cost: $75
How to Register/sign up
· Click the sign up button
· Instagram: @C8Catching
Where: Lebanon High School Baseball Field
Lebanon High School address: 1700 S 5th St, Lebanon, OR 97355
Camp Focuses:
The 1 day camp format futures a heavy emphasis on receiving and throwing with other aspects mixed in. We want to be thorough and designed it to have the most immediate impact on the players as they continue summer ball.
Space is limited to 24 catchers
If you have any questions or concerns please give me a call at 541-223-1074 or send an email to btrask@georgefox.edu
Thank you,
Brent Trask